
Trinity-St. Paul Port Credit

Anglican Church

26 Stavebank Rd. Mississauga, Ontario, L5G 2T5
Interim Priest-in-Charge: Rev. Canon Jim Woolley

Our Priest

We are currently involved in a process of searching for our next priest-in-charge or incumbent !

Meanwhile, as of February 15th 2023, our interim priest-in-charge is the Reverend Canon Jim Woolley.

As more information becomes available, it will be shared. Please hold the Wardens in your prayers as we continue to take care of God’s house.

Rental Information


Rooms are available for rent at Trinity-St. Paul for your special event or meeting.

Our Main Hall is 56 ft x 34 ft and will accommodate up to150 people

The River Room is 23 ft x 9 ft and will accommodate up to 35 people

We also have a small meeting room that will hold 8 people or less

Adjacent to the main hall is a fully equipped working kitchen and separate washrooms. The hall is accessible by stairs or by the lift next to the front entrance red doors - the main entrance to the church. Tables and chairs are also available for your use.

Insurance is a mandatory requirement to use any rental areas in the church.

For questions or to reserve a room, contact the church office.